Why does Tamar Gujejiani live in a warehouse?
At Varketili market there are a lot of people. Some buy, some sell… This elderly woman, whom almost all know, Tamar Gujejiani, doesn’t work here nor came she here to buy anything… Tamar lives here!
Yes, she lives at the market, in the former warehouse. Can you imagine how a warehouse looks like? It has cold concrete walls and nothing else… This building is not suitable for living, the product were stored here.
How did Mrs. Tamar get into this situation? It’s a very long story, full of pain and cruelty.
She was born in Sukhumi, she studied and worked there. During Georgian-Abkhazian war she was not going to leave her native land, but when in 1993, the separatist fighters who invaded into the city after Sukhumi Fall organized unprecedented massacre of the remaining population, Mr. Tamari was to leave Abkhazia. The only thing that she took with her at the greatest risk was the old photo album. There was her life: youth, happiness, relatives, Georgia – united, still united… Now these photos are the most precious she’s got. Tamar looks through the album every day and lives with the memories.
After the war when she lost all hope to return to Abkhazia, Tamari came to Tbilisi. In order to keep herself she started to work as a saleswoman at a “Svans’ market” in Varketili. 5 years ago her brother died of a stroke and Tamar was evicted from the flat…
Tamar was sheltered at Market, and gave her a building of one of the warehouses for living. Formerly she lived for free, now she has to pay 50 GEL per month. In this warehouse there are no living conditions, there is neither water supply, nor a toilet, there are only cold concrete walls around her… Tamar washes herself in another room; she brings water from the toilet of the market.
Tamar is a very religious person, she prays all day. She prays for unification and strengthening of Georgia, that no one becomes refugee in their own country, that everyone has a warm house. She also prays for health of all kind people. She calls the employees of our Fund, who supply Tamar with food products and medications, angels sent from God.
Tamar Gujejiani is one of 500 people that our Fund takes care of. Often our help, food products and medications are very important for these people’s survival.
Mrs. Tamar needs the warm clothes most and wood to make her warm, a table and chairs. Other kind of any help would make her life easier. Any of you who are wish to help Mrs. Tamar will get contact information from us to make it easier for you to aid her financially, you can transfer the money to the account GE15TB7194336080100003 (please indicate in destination: Tamar Gujejiani) or direct on the web-site: https://fsp.ge/en/donate/108/.
Let’s help Mrs. Tamar together who needs our support most.
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