help of Nadejda Raznarovich! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

help of Nadejda Raznarovich!

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October 26, 2015
“Social Partnership” begins the action to collect money to build walls and collapsed ceiling, to fix glasses in the windows and to fix the doors.
Charity number:
$ 58.59
( 12 Donors )
Project completed!

Half destroyed house in Italian yard, windows without glasses, collapsed ceiling, anti sanitation. Two beds, old furniture and photo of young girl on the sideboard. This girl is Nadejda Raznarovich.

She was born in Ukraine, from childhood had tough life. Parents were often ill, they couldn’t take care of her, that’s why she learnt everything on her own. She was school girl when begun to work in collective farm, she was keeping her family and was taking care of parents.  Life taught her to be strong and to be relied on herself only. She never had perfect family, but always used to dream to create one.

Because of love she came to Georgia but her dream to create family didn’t come true. Nadejda didn’t have children. When her husband died she left alone, in foreign city, without relatives and close people.

After cerebral thrombosis Mrs. Nadejda is in bed. The room where she lives in dump, the walls are moldy, from the floor in the room there are coming rats.

The single organization which didn’t leave Mrs. Nadejda in loneliness is charity fund “Social Partnership”. High qualified nurses and assistants of the fund are providing with necessary procedures to the ill woman every day: they are curing bedsores, wash her, cleaning, changing the sheets and have room in order, they are helping in eating and to drink medicines.  “Social Partnership” is the single bridge for 500 alone, bedridden patients to the real world. 

As cold days come the health of Mrs. Madejda gets worse: from broken glasses blows the wind, rain water comes from the ceiling, the door has no lock. There is terrible cold in the room. It’s impossible to turn on the heating because the pension is nearly enough only for food. If till the winter there won’t be possibility to repair window glasses and to fix the ceiling Mrs. Nadejda can be frozen. 

Charity fund “Social Partnership” begins the action to collect money to build walls and collapsed ceiling, to fix glasses in the windows and to fix the doors.

If you want to help Mrs. Nadejda financially you can transfer money on the bank account of the fund: GE15TB7194336080100003

(Aim: Nadejda Raznarovich)

Or with the help of the web page of the fund:

Let’s help Mrs. Nadejda to meet winter cold days warmly.

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