Large tragedy of Shanidze Family! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Large tragedy of Shanidze Family!

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November 21, 2016
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Irakliy lived a happy life, worked and provided for his family. But one ill-fated day he was severely wounded in his head.
Charity number:
$ 4,449.16
( 642 Donors )
Project completed!

On these photos you can see one and the same person with 8 years difference! This is Irakliy Shanidze.

Irakliy lived a happy life, worked and provided for his family. But one ill-fated day he was severely wounded in his head.

The young man was brought home half-dead and inanimate on stretcher! Nobody believed he would survive… His father broke down from such a shock and suddenly died. Irakliy’s wife left him, and only his mother Viola stayed with the doomed man. In order to pay for operations to save his son she sold everything! Absolutely everything! Immovable property, household appliances, precious possessions, and even tableware and furniture! All means were spent on saving Irakliy’s life and his treatment!

And a miracle happened! Irakliy started to recover, learned to walk and to pronounce words again… But once the family ran out of money for treatment and rehabilitation, the young man’s condition started to worsen dramatically. Now Irakliy is totally paralyzed, doubled up due to muscle spasms; all his back is covered with bedsores, and any slightest touch cause terrible pain. Irakliy cannot even raise his head; he cannot speak and only chokes with tears of helplessness and despair! It is terrible to see tears of despair and sorrow in the eyes of an adult man!

“Noting left from the two-meters-high young man who used to carry me in his arms. Now I feed him with a spoon, change his clothes and bathe him as a little boy. I am the only one who stayed with him… I pray to God that he gives me strength to take care of my son!”, – says his mother Mrs. Viola.

Their only source of existence is the tiny allowance which is not enough for medicines, let alone even food and payment for utilities!

As you understand, the condition of Irakliy and his old mother is truly disastrous! They have no chances to put Irakliy on feet again without support of kind people!

For this reason we urge everyone to help this severely ill and bedridden young man, who gave his health protecting his Motherland, and who sacrificed his future for the sake of Georgia’s integrity!

If you have a possibility to provide financial aid to Irakliy, you can transfer money to our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003 (Purpoose: Irakliy Shanidze) or pay directly from web-site

We hope sincerely that with your help Irakliy’s condition will improve and he will recover!

#Ill adults

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