Список поддержавших проект Mom Teona "The horrific and excruciating death is literally stalking my daughter at every step!" It turns out cancer isn't the worst disease in the world! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Mom Teona "The horrific and excruciating death is literally stalking my daughter at every step!" It turns out cancer isn't the worst disease in the world!

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March 4, 2024
❗❗❗ This is a very heavy story! If you've just become a mom or are expecting a baby, refrain from reading this interview - the emotions here can be overwhelming❗❗❗ Theona and Ramaz's story began like any other couple in love! Then they prayed and waited for a child for a whole 10 years! And a miracle happened! The nine months of pregnancy were the happiest in their lives. They were already picturing the joys of long-awaited parenthood! They debated what their little girl's first word would be: "mama" or "papa"? "But our happiness didn't last long," Teona says. – God help! At the age of 8 months, Elene's eyes started to roll back...Georgia's most famous neurologist calmed us down and prescribed her a whole bag of expensive medications. But he sternly warned us: If you don't give even one, the child will die!" But I felt in my heart that something was wrong because things were getting worse. And here we are in Turkey, where we came with our last money – ours and our kind neighbors
Charity number:
$ 7,908.69
( 1,617 Donors )
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a month ago
$ 3.58
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$ 0.36
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a month ago
$ 3.58
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a month ago
$ 3.58
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$ 1.79
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a month ago
$ 1.79

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