Project reports "Mom, let's die together." Their love is like a literary work! A mother in constant pain refuses life-saving medication for the sake of her son, who is willing to sacrifice his future to save his mother - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

"Mom, let's die together." Their love is like a literary work! A mother in constant pain refuses life-saving medication for the sake of her son, who is willing to sacrifice his future to save his mother

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February 2, 2023
Мarina: The pain would not go away even for a second. Pieces of flesh are already falling off me. I'm all rotten. My skin festers and bleeds. I could not even imagine that anyone could endure such pain. The only thing I dream about is to die. Death seems so sweet to me. I don't want my son to see his mother decompose before his eyes.” Help me at least die with dignity! Please don't leave my boy alone in this cruel world! He must study. Perhaps these are my last words!
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$ 7,106.87
( 1,480 Donors )
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