Project reports When a child's pain becomes completely unbearable… - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

When a child's pain becomes completely unbearable…

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February 18, 2020
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1000 times more - the heart of a dear mother hurts! God forbid mothers to experience such feelings!
Charity number:
$ 2,811.91
( 517 Donors )
Project completed!

"Sandro doesn't cry anymore… Sandro dances!"

– I thought that would never happen! Who can I thank? Who? Who? I really need to tell EVERYONE! Not to miss anyone! –

Gio (10 years old) wants to know the name of everyone who helped his brother Sandro,

as now Sandro doesn't cry anymore... Sandro dances.

Do you remember Sandro? We told you about him in the publication "When a child's pain becomes completely unbearable..." 

Dear friends of the Fund! Our joint efforts have made life easier for this beautiful but deeply suffering little Georgian! Born with Down syndrome, Sandro is also ill with an insidious skin disease, psoriasis. Unbearable itching from terrible sores on the body cause the boy to cry out like an animal… Any touch, even the mother's embrace, gives the baby pain and suffering…

The unfortunate mother Darejan appealed to the Fund in despair with the hope that caring people would respond, feel the pain of her son, and act as the proud children of proud Georgia always do. And she was right.

God has not forsaken them! Through the help provided by good people, He proved that everything is possible! We, all together, have made this family happier, and our little hero Sandro has been saved from unbearable suffering! The Fund is proud of its friends and thanks everyone who responded to the grief of this woman with a difficult fate!

"All the words in the world are not enough to describe my feelings of gratitude to you!", – Darejan's mother says without holding back tears.

Georgiy (10 years old) ran up and started jumping on the spot: – Did you bring all these things for us? I really need to express my gratitude to everyone! Can I tell you? Who else? –The 10-year-old boy asked me curiously.

The Fund gave you a gift!

– I thought that would never happen! Who can I thank? Who? Who? Because I want to tell thank you to everyone! And not to miss anyone! – Little Gio started jumping around me.

I will convey your words of gratitude, do not worry, everyone will hear them! Tell us more about what gifts the Fund and its friends have given you?

– We received a lot of things, but the most important thing was the TV! Look how large it is! I used to read fairy tales to my brother, and now we still watch cartoons and listen to songs!

Usually, when he was crying and screaming, it was impossible to calm him down... After all, I couldn't hug my brother, or stroke him... It would have hurt even more. And now we turn on the music on the TV, and Sandro immediately calms down! I didn't know it was possible!

Do you think your little brother is any happier after our last visit?

– I think if he could talk, he would answer you many, many times: "Yes-Yes-Yes-Yes-Yes"! – Gio shouted without restraining his emotions.

– Please, to the table! – Came a voice from the room. While we were talking with Georgiy, Darejan managed to make tea and put rosy hot rolls on the table.

– Why did you bother yourself, Darejan? – I said uncomfortably.

– Oh, dear! Thanks to you, I now have something to cook with! The Fund brought us so much food! And the stove is my assistant now! 

We were in a very difficult situation. There was nothing to eat! I could not even imagine that you would help us not only with Sandro's ointments and food, but also with household appliances! This was a COMPLETE surprise for us! I couldn't believe my luck when they brought us all this!

And Gio kept pinching himself because he thought it was a dream! After all, they won't believe me if I tell someone that this is possible! They won't believe it!

We are so happy that the Fund has helped! Tell us, has Sadro's condition changed?

– After the ointments, he felt a little better. Because of psoriasis, his life is a continuous pain... But, the medicines given by the Fund have saved my son! He stopped scratching, the sores disappeared, we could even approach him and give a hug! And not to be afraid that it will bring him pain.

What did you experience then?

– Happiness! Happiness and relief! I felt light at heart… You have relieved me of a very heavy burden on my heart and given me the opportunity to finally embrace my son without fear that he will cry out in pain again!

– Tell me, how has your life changed after we published an article about you?

– People started calling me and saying words of support! Many people responded to our misfortune! My phone didn't stop ringing! I used to feel so heavy. And now I have so many friends! The Fund gave me this joy! The joy of friendship and support!  

What do you remember the most? Do you remember the names of the people who helped you? Did someone come and ask how to help you?

– I don't remember their names! Even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to remember it. No one came, but that's not the point, is it?  It was a real joy to watch my Gio running around the new washing machine! I barely calmed him down, the child was running around and did not know where to put himself for joy! Aren't these moments worth living for? It was the first time I had seen my son so restless! As for Sandro's medication, a special thank you! God bless you for your kindness.

– Did the local authorities react to our post in any way? Did they ask about your condition or help you in any way?

– No. – Darejan said, sipping her tea. I can tell you with confidence that no calls or anything else were received from the local government.  

– What does this help and support mean to you personally?

– Every kind word spoken to me gave me the strength to live, fight, hope, and believe in the best. I didn't know that so many kind and sincere people live in Georgia. I didn't even hope that someone would help me, because many people are in a difficult situation and many need support, and then... My best dream came true! Gio finally felt what childhood and carelessness are like! He used to do nothing but help me watch after his brother. And now they, along with Sandro, started to listen to music on TV! I think it's treating him! He no longer screams or cries from unbearable pain, but sits and plays with Gio!

– Maybe you have any other problems that our readers can help you solve…

– Oh, dear… Will my conscience allow me to ask you for anything else?

I insist, it is in our power, believe me! So what do you want to say… Maybe Sandro needs something else, some medication?

– You've already made his life easy enough, but yes, – Darejan says hesitantly. – It wouldn't be a bad idea to take him to a doctor." It's a hot summer now… His psoriasis has worsened...

We are located in the village of Sajawaho, there is not a single good specialist that we can address.

We are being treated in Tbilisi, our doctor is there, and it's a 4-hour drive to the city!  If someone is planning a trip to Tbilisi for one day, I would be grateful if you would take Sandro and me with you! We just need to see a doctor and go back!


And if you feel heavy at heart because of everyday problems, or unresolved issues, take a moment to look at our posts on FB. Our problems are nothing compared to the problems of this family! Here it is, a real grief! It is before your eyes! And thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Every time you dial the phone of another unfortunate person, you will definitely feel God's blessing on the back side! It is for sure! Keep on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

 Your kindness is a chance to be happy in everything!

Dear friends, thank you so much once again!

    Here is the account of our Fund: 




(Purpose: Grigolia family). You can also transfer money from our website

You can as well transfer money from the terminals of OPPA, TBCpay and ExpressPay. In the section "charity" find our Fund.

(You can learn about additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link

One call will save a life – 0901 200 270

Let's think that by helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to the Lord through the very sufferings that we experience for others!

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