Project reports "I pray to God that my mother does not die!" - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

"I pray to God that my mother does not die!"

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May 1, 2019
A single mother, sick with cancer, is fighting for the life and future of her son
Charity number:
$ 2,676.3
( 489 Donors )
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This family needs clothes the most. Clothe them, and your soul will be enveloped with God's blessings!
They didn't have a single whole window, the doors wouldn't close, and plaster was falling from the ceiling and walls! 

But our Lord sees everything and has blessed 489 Georgians to help a woman with severe cancer and her son.
Today, thank God, the trouble has receded from them! Mother and son will now survive the winter!
And, according to Lela, she was credited money to her mobile phone several times.  A very kind man from Kakheti, who did not want to give his name, brought a bag of flour, sugar, and cereals. And the girl from Tbilisi brought a TV-set and sweets for her son Shotiko. And someone unfamiliar brought money in envelopes twice.
    Friends, you are all so kind! God bless you, a hundred times, – Lela bowed and thanked all those who responded to her trouble. And 11-year-old Shotiko was so happy that he said he was proud of his nationality: he is Georgian!
You probably remember Lela Aladashvili, a single mother who has been raising her beloved son Shotiko for 11 years. Her husband left her when she was five months pregnant. Her parents died long ago, and close relatives "disappeared". Lela is ill with cancer and recently the child also had health problems, his joints began to ache, and he often started to catch a cold… When we came to the Aladashvili family, we realized that if we did not put at least one room in order, the mother and her son would not be able to live through this winter! They didn't have a single whole window, the doors wouldn't close, and plaster was falling from the ceiling and walls! 
It was so.
And here is another miracle – we were able to raise so much money to pay for the treatment of this unfortunate woman and also repair the room for them.
     You helped, friends, to pay for an expensive examination of the poor mother, and now Georgia has prescribed treatment for her and she has also been prescribed medications for pain! Anyone who understands what this horror is, let them raise their hands in joy for Leila. She does not suffer anymore. 
When we announced the fundraising event, Lela told us: "Who needs us?" Who will help us? Everybody is with his own problems! And the child urged his mother not to publish the request – the children at school would laugh. But it happened exactly on the contrary! 
In a very short time, many people donated money for the family, some of which we transferred to the clinic, so that Lela could finally undergo the necessary procedures to treat her insidious disease, as well as completely fix the roof, insert windows and doors. And also, at the request of Shotiko, we bought a chest of drawers and a small locker!
"Now I'll put everything on the shelves." – Said the happy kid, and posed for a photographer at his "favorite cabinet". Now he has something to put there.
Shotiko (11 years old): Can I say a few words to my Georgian uncles and aunts? 
Reporter: You can.
You know, I'm proud to be a Georgian. Really. I wouldn't want to be anyone else. And also, I was very afraid that when you write about me and my mother and show us, they would point fingers at me, that no one would be friends with me... I was afraid that I would be called names... but no! On the contrary! The children have become kinder to me. They even shared their lunch at school! They even gave me shoes and clothes. I want to tell everyone not to be afraid! People are kind! And don't listen to the bad ones.
– Lela, what would you like to tell our readers?
Lela: I don't know what to say, I'm just crazy with happiness! You have extended my life! You have given me the opportunity to spend more time with my son! Thank you very much! Can I say thank you to the people who helped me personally but didn't even tell me their name? A girl from Tbilisi sent my Shotiko a TV that he was just dreaming about! Thank you, my angel! I am grateful to the young man from Kakheti who brought us so much food that my son and I forgot about hunger! Thank you! Please tell me your name – I want to write to all the newspapers.
But most importantly, thank you to the Fund's friends and my compatriots. My husband left me meanly when I got sick... And you… You are all so kind! I pray for each of you, even though I don't know your name! I know my prayer will reach each of you, but I really want to know your names! 
– Tell me, how has your life changed after our publication? 
Lela: Honestly, it has become easier for us to live! We felt like people! We have a chance to survive! You make God's work! You are a support for many offended and humiliated!
– Thank you for such kind words! We wish you to be healthy – this is the most important thing right now, and for our part, we promise that our Fund will continue to help you. 
Friends, on behalf of our entire Fund, we sincerely thank you for all that you do for your compatriots. Georgia is a small country and we are all one big family. You use your example to teach our society to see the good. You give people faith when they start to doubt themselves and support them when they need it most! After all, for us and for Georgia, there are no other people's children and mothers. 
And if you feel heavy at heart because of everyday problems, or unresolved issues, take a moment to look at our posts on FB. Better yet, dial the phone number of any of our beneficiaries. Call him and forget all your problems. Because they are "nothing" compared to those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of his life. 
Our problems are nothing compared to theirs! Here it is, a real grief! It is before your eyes! And thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.
Unfortunately, the problems of this and other families do not end, so from time to time view the stories of unhappy people on our site, talk to them. Every time you dial the phone of another unfortunate person, you will definitely feel God's blessing on the back side! It is for sure! Keep on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!
 Your kindness is a chance to be happy in everything!
Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Lela Aladashvili).  You can also transfer money from our website
You can as well transfer money from the terminals of OPPA, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in "Charity" section. (You can learn about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link
Let's think that by helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to the Lord through the very sufferings that we experience for others!

#Ill adults

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